My AD&D 1e website - The Freebooters maps, scenarios, and cities, etc. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:27:24 +0000 The Stormy Reaches/Kingdom of the Freebooters entrance page

South hemisphere ocean island links

Neutral Evil Pirates, they don’t like anybody. Source of much of the woe on Crestar. They would be even more of a threat if they didn’t attack each other so much. Of course, if they became a major threat, the other Evil on Crestar would see them as challengers and attack them. The evil dragons would certainly not want such a nation to become a threat.

They live in the Stormy Reaches Islands near the equator.

]]> Mon, 13 Jul 2015 14:51:54 +0000 Bill George,2015-02-08:41b9e06e4775041fe9f5e0b879357f08/bd1fbc5f2f95a4401d073e00d55f0669