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Categories Arcology


A large expanse of sand. Note the large black X ? A possible planetary portal to other regions of Crestar. The named areas are all evil. The Kingdom of Ladtodquill has both Good and Evil. The unnamed area is the unknown city. Most believe it is a fable. But it does exist… and has an invisibility shield around it. 90,000 square miles to search for the portal.


Categories Arcology


One portal to the 3 mountain areas near the arcology. No, I haven’t mentioned where the portal to the arcology is located. The player characters will have to find it.


Each of these portals are near the mountains of a specific color.

So the portal near the gray mountains, has no need of a lever to take the group to the gray mountains as they are already there.

No precise map details as I intend on running these in game sessions.


Portal near the Yellow Mountains:


Portal near the Brown Mountains:


Note there doesn’t seem to be a portal out of the area.

Categories Arcology


A new game spell I’m working on. It will give several levels of getting from one place to another.

Portal One: shifts from 1 to 5 characters from 1d5 hundred feet. Portal is a safe method of getting out of a dungeon or bad situation. Caster rolls 1d5 for the number shifted and distance shifted.

Portal Two: shifts 6 to 10 characters 1d3 miles.

Portal Three: shifts all of an adventuring party 2d4+50 miles.

Portal one has a chance of intersecting dirt or rock, death results.

Portal Two and Three don’t intersect anything; however, does have a chance of arrival being up to 4 feet above ground.

I haven’t decided what caster levels to make these yet. Portal One will likely be a third level game spell.

Categories Arcology


There are 9 long distance portals on Crest of a Star.

They are marked on the below linked maps as large black Xs. Finding them could be an adveture all by itself.

Four portals

Northern Hemisphere

Five Portals
Southern Hemisphere

They are somewhere within the 500 mile area marked. They could be a touch on an object, an inverted U-shaped Henge, a cave, a ravine, or another possibility.

They may or may not connect to each other. The wrong activation method could transport the characters trying to use it to a different Age, a different continent, or to nowhere.

Define Nowhere: as in nothingness.

Categories Arcology

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